6 Tips For Training Dogs

1 . Become a Companion

One of the most important first steps in training your dog is to become your dog's friend. You must establish a positive relationship with him or her from the start. Puppies love praise and cuddles, much like human babies. Your consistent behavior toward the dog will develop into a trusting relationship, which will make it easier to train your dog when the time comes. If you have a brand new puppy, wait about three months before attempting to train it. It needs the time in your home to become familiarized with the surroundings and routines.

2 . Communicate Effectively

One of the most important tips for training dogs is to use positive reinforcement and praise, rather than negative reinforcement. Give your dog or puppy lots of chances to succeed at what you want them to do. Praise them with positive words, rewards, and petting. Speak using a commanding voice and short phrases. Repeat the same phrases each time you work with your dog. For example , if you are trying to teach your dog to sit, each time he or she does it, say, "Good sit! " Then give him or her a treat.

3. Exercise Patience and Consistency

You must put in the time to train your dog properly. Work with your dog as much as possible throughout the day. Try to squeeze in time before work, after work, and during the evening. Be consistent while training, and don't give up. It may take a few weeks before you see any progress, but you must stick with it. Keep training sessions as consistent as possible, so your dog will begin to recognize what is expected of him or her.

Keep in mind the person who is training the dog. If you want the dog to listen to yourself, your spouse, and your children, then they should all take part in the training process. You might begin with just one person at first, then once the dog starts to get the hang of each command, get other family members involved.

4. Become the Pack Leader

Dogs have a primal instinct of following the pack leader and one of the big tips for training dogs that a lot of people don't do right is to make sure that THEY are the pack leader. You must establish your dominance as the leader, in order for your dog to be willing to obey you. Always eat your meals before feeding your dog. Create a consistent feeding schedule, letting your dog know that you are in charge.

5. Timing is Everything

Scolding your dog when you arrive home to a puddle on the floor that was made hours ago will result in confusion. Your dog won't necessarily put two and two together. You must catch the dog in the act, then say firmly, "No, " and take him or her outside. Each time he or she goes to the bathroom outside, reward him or her with pets, cuddles, and treats.

6. Join an Obedience Class

If you are having trouble getting your dog trained, consider finding a local obedience class. The class will feature a knowledgeable instructor and a dog-friendly setting where you can both learn a few pointers. There is nothing wrong with seeking help while training your dog. Sometimes people have a hard time seeing things from an animal's perspective, which can result in actions that are actually harmful to the dog or the training process, so getting these tips for training dogs from a professional can really help.

Find the related info about Dog through the Dog Trainer.

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